Features & Sacco Leadership

How members influence SACCO dividends

How are dividends and interests on deposits calculated in Saccos? What is the difference between BOSA and FOSA? 6 strategies how to maximize SACCO profits: Exploring the mutuality principle in taxation for SACCOs in Kenya: How Members Influence SACCO Dividends

In SACCOs (Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations), dividends are the earnings distributed to members when the SACCO makes money through investments, interest on loans, and other financial activities. These dividends are a tangible benefit for members, reflecting their share in the cooperative’s success. Here’s how members can influence these dividends:

Membership Participation

Active participation by members is essential for the success and sustainability of SACCOs. It involves more than just being a passive member; it means engaging in various aspects of the SACCO’s operations. Here are some ways members can influence dividends:

Voting & Governance

Engaged members ensure that SACCO decisions align with the collective interests of everyone involved. This leads to effective governance and sustainable dividend payouts.

Attending Annual General Meetings

By attending these meetings, members stay informed about the SACCO’s financial situation. This understanding allows for constructive discussions and decisions that positively influence dividends.

Regular Savings and Contributions

A stable and growing pool of savings provides the SACCO with necessary capital to generate income. This enhances the potential for surplus funds and dividend distributions.

Financial Literacy Initiatives

Financially literate members make sound financial choices that contribute to the SACCO’s success. This, in turn, increases the cooperative’s ability to generate surplus funds for dividends.

Promoting SACCO Services

As members promote and use SACCO services, the cooperative can expand its membership and increase revenue. This growth positively impacts the SACCO’s profitability and ability to distribute dividends.

Practicing Responsible Borrowing

Responsible borrowing reduces the risk of non-performing loans, ensuring a healthier loan portfolio. This contributes to sustained profitability and potential dividend distributions.

Impact of Savings and Contributions

Members’ consistent savings are crucial for the financial health and sustainability of a SACCO. Here’s how savings contribute to financial stability and dividends:

  • Liquidity Stability: Regular savings ensure the SACCO has enough liquidity to meet its obligations and invest in profitable ventures.
  • Interest Income: The SACCO earns interest on loans given to members, which is a significant source of income contributing to dividends.

Decision-Making and Governance

Effective decision-making and governance are vital for SACCOs. These processes ensure that members have a voice in the cooperative’s direction, influencing its financial success and the dividends they receive.


Andrew Walyaula
Author: Andrew Walyaula

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

Andrew Walyaula

About Author

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

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