Features & Sacco Leadership

How to shape your co-op’s identity: The importance of mission, vision, and values

Principles of Cooperatives: Disadvantages of Cooperative Societie: How to shape your Co-op's identity: How To Choose The Right Co-op: Challenges facing cooperative societies in Kenya: SACCO governance: The foundation of cooperative success

Building a co-operative involves a lot of planning, including developing key documents, policies, and procedures. While these steps can seem tedious, they are essential in shaping the co-op’s identity. One of the most engaging parts of this process is creating the mission, vision, and value statements. These statements are important because they help define the co-op’s purpose and give shareholders a chance to contribute to its identity from the beginning.

Mission Statement

The mission statement explains what the co-operative does and why it exists. This should be a clear and concise statement that provides an overview of the co-op’s purpose. Everything the co-op does should align with this mission, serving as a guide for its actions and decisions.


  • Integris Credit Union: “We are committed to enhancing the well-being of our members, staff, and communities.”
  • Upper Columbia Cooperative Council: “Thriving Participatory Communities.”

Vision Statement

The vision statement is more aspirational and inspirational than the mission statement. It describes the ideal outcome or societal goal the co-op aims to achieve. This statement helps envision the future and provides a shared goal for everyone involved in the co-op to work towards.


  • Saskatoon Community Clinic: “Healthy people in a healthy community.”
  • Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL): “Federated Co-operatives Limited will set the world standard in consumer co-operative experience.”

Values Statement

A values statement outlines the core principles and priorities that guide the co-op’s operations and decision-making. It reflects what the co-op stands for and how it will conduct its business. The values should align with the co-op’s mission and vision and be evident in all of its activities.


  • Farmer Direct Co-op
    “Guided by our strongly held core values, Farmer Direct Co-operative is dedicated to the creation of a fair and just food system. We pursue these goals with the highest integrity and respect. Through our actions, we aim to:

    • Support, protect, and promote sustainable, organic agriculture and environmental practices.
    • Foster ethical and equitable relationships by providing fair return for producers’ products, fair wages, and safe and healthy workplaces for employees, and clear communication with all stakeholders.
    • Provide producers with an opportunity for co-operative ownership of their food brand and marketing channels.
    • Provide safe, nutritious food for consumers.”
  • Servus Credit Union
    • Member Service: “Serving our members is our primary focus and improving their financial well-being will always be our goal.”
    • Integrity: “We’re an organization you can trust. We take ownership of our actions and we’re open to feedback from others.”
    • Life/Work Balance: “We promote a healthy life/work balance for our employees that meets both their needs and the needs of our credit union.”
    • Community: “We’re active participants in our members’ communities and are known for our generosity, spirit, and leadership.”
    • Teamwork: “We’re a welcoming family, trusting and supportive, encouraging and collaborative, fun and professional.”
    • Fairness: “We value each member and employee, and are reliable and flexible in our interactions with them.”
    • Investing in Our People: “We believe success is achieved through our people. We work in partnership with our employees to help them reach their personal, professional, and corporate goals.”


Andrew Walyaula
Author: Andrew Walyaula

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

Andrew Walyaula

About Author

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

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