
SACCO board election process: Effective leadership transition

SACCO board election process: Effective leadership transition

The board of directors plays a critical role in the success and governance of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOs). These individuals are responsible for making key decisions, overseeing operations, and ensuring the SACCO adheres to its objectives and regulatory obligations. Given this crucial role, the SACCO board election process is structured to promote transparency, fairness, and competence.

Eligibility Criteria for Board Members

Before participating in the SACCO board election process, candidates must meet specific eligibility requirements. These typically include:

  • Membership: Only registered SACCO members in good standing can vie for board positions. Members must have actively participated in the SACCO’s activities and adhered to its bylaws.
  • Minimum Qualifications: Many SACCOs require candidates to have a certain level of education or professional experience, especially in finance, governance, or management.
  • Ethical Standards: Prospective board members must demonstrate a clean record, free of financial mismanagement or criminal activities.
  • Compliance with SACCO Policies: Candidates must have no outstanding loans in arrears or disputes with the SACCO.

Nomination Process

The election process begins with the nomination of candidates. SACCO members interested in leadership positions submit their applications or nominations within a specified timeframe. This process is often supervised by an independent electoral committee to ensure fairness. The committee verifies that all nominees meet the eligibility criteria before approving them for candidacy.


Approved candidates are allowed to campaign among the SACCO membership. Campaigning provides an opportunity for candidates to present their vision, plans, and leadership style. This process is vital for members to make informed choices during the elections. Campaign activities must align with the SACCO’s code of conduct to prevent conflicts or disruptions.

Voting Procedure

The voting process in SACCOs is conducted during the Annual General Meeting (AGM), where members gather to discuss the SACCO’s performance and key decisions. The voting process follows these steps:

  1. Presentation of Candidates: Each candidate is formally introduced to the members, often with a brief summary of their qualifications and proposed agenda.
  2. Voting Mechanism: SACCOs may use various voting methods, including secret ballots, electronic voting, or show of hands. The method depends on the SACCO’s bylaws and available resources.
  3. Supervision: The election is supervised by an electoral committee or an independent body to ensure transparency.

Declaration of Results

After the votes are counted, the results are announced to the members during the AGM. The newly elected board members take office, replacing outgoing directors as stipulated in the SACCO’s constitution.

Roles of the Newly Elected Board

Once elected, the new board members assume their roles and responsibilities, which include:

  • Setting policies and strategic directions for the SACCO.
  • Ensuring the SACCO complies with legal and regulatory frameworks.
  • Approving budgets, loan policies, and major financial decisions.
  • Representing members’ interests while ensuring the SACCO remains sustainable and profitable.


Andrew Walyaula
Author: Andrew Walyaula

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist.

Andrew Walyaula

About Author

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist.

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