Features & Sacco Leadership

What happens when you default SACCO’s loan?

What happens when you default SACCO’s loan: Understanding credit risk: Types and key factors: How to manage credit risks in SACCOs

Defaulting on a loan from a SACCO (Savings and Credit Cooperative Organization) can have serious consequences for borrowers, affecting both their financial standing and creditworthiness. Here’s a breakdown of what happens when you default SACCO’s loan and how SACCOs manage these risks.

What happens when you default SACCO’s loan?

  1. Recovery from Savings: When a borrower defaults on a SACCO loan, the outstanding amount is first recovered from any available savings or deposits held by the borrower with the SACCO. This initial step is aimed at recouping the loan amount directly from the borrower’s own funds.
  2. Liability of Guarantors: If the loan amount cannot be fully recovered from the borrower’s savings, the next step involves holding the guarantors liable for the remaining loan balance. Guarantors are individuals who have pledged to repay the loan in case the borrower defaults. They are legally bound to fulfill the borrower’s repayment obligations.
  3. Listing with Credit Reference Bureaus (CRB): One of the most significant consequences of loan default is being listed with the Credit Reference Bureaus. This listing negatively impacts the borrower’s credit score and reputation, making it difficult to secure loans or financial services in the future.

Many SACCOs in Kenya have transitioned from manual to digital operations, leveraging technology to streamline processes and enhance efficiency. Digital systems play a crucial role in managing loan defaults by integrating internal risk scoring mechanisms and external credit scores. These systems provide valuable insights into a borrower’s creditworthiness and likelihood of default.

SACCOs that embrace technology utilize sophisticated credit scoring systems to assess the creditworthiness of loan applicants. These systems analyze various factors such as the applicant’s form data, credit history from the Credit Reference Bureau, bank statements, and other predictor variables of default. By employing advanced analytics, SACCOs can accurately assess and mitigate the risk of loan defaults.

The shift to digital platforms has enhanced SACCOs’ trustworthiness and reliability in delivering financial services. It has enabled them to improve customer service, reduce operational costs, and effectively manage loan portfolios. Engineering robust credit scoring systems is a specialized area that ensures SACCOs make informed lending decisions, thereby safeguarding their financial health and sustainability.


Andrew Walyaula
Author: Andrew Walyaula

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

Andrew Walyaula

About Author

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

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