Features & Sacco Leadership

Creating an action plan for starting a cooperative society

Creating an action plan for starting a cooperative society

Starting a cooperative society can be a complex process, but having a clear action plan can make it more manageable. Here’s a simple guide to help your steering committee coordinate the first steps in launching your co-op.

Essential Tools and Resources

  1. Assemble a team of 3 to 10 committed individuals.
  2. Use platforms like Notion or Google Docs for easy file sharing.
  3. Get a scanner or a scanning app like CamScanner.
  4. Have at least one laptop and a projector.
  5. Assign 1-2 diligent note-takers.
  6. Include at least one knowledgeable member.
  7. Consider using one or two flipcharts.
  8. Stock up on pens, paper, and plenty of coffee.
  9. Bring enthusiasm and dedication to the task.

Action Items for Your Team

  1. Outreach
    • Conduct a survey to gauge interest in your co-op idea.
    • Share the results and gather feedback.
    • Define the clear purpose your co-op will serve based on the feedback.
  2. Budget Planning
    • Identify all initial expenses.
    • Develop a plan for member contributions.
    • Look for available grants to support your start-up.
  3. Fundraising
    • Determine how much money you need to raise.
    • Explore options such as loans, investment, and member shares.
  4. Governance Planning
    • Decide who will be part of the co-op.
    • Draft a chart showing the structure of your co-op.
    • Present the chart for feedback and make adjustments as needed.
  5. Business Planning
    • Conduct initial research on your market.
    • Identify if you need external help.
    • Start developing your business plan or use online tools for assistance.
  6. Choosing a Name
    • Research legal requirements for the co-op’s name.
    • Gather name suggestions from potential members.
    • Use a voting process to choose the best name.
  7. Incorporation
    • Reserve your co-op’s name with the corporate registry.
    • Draft and file the articles of incorporation.
    • Create bylaws for the co-op’s operation.
  8. Membership Start-Up
    • Create and distribute membership agreements.
    • Set up an email account for the co-op.
    • Maintain a registry of members.
  9. Finance Start-Up
    • Open a bank account for the co-op.
    • Collect membership fees from initial members.
    • Compile a list of potential funders and apply for loans or seek investments.


Andrew Walyaula
Author: Andrew Walyaula

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

Andrew Walyaula

About Author

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

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