Features & Sacco Leadership

How to check CRB status online

How to check CRB status online

In the contemporary financial landscape, maintaining a clean credit record is paramount for individuals and companies alike, particularly due to the practice of financial institutions, such as banks, Saccos, loan apps, HELB, and M-Pesa, listing defaulters on Credit Reference Bureau (CRB). To facilitate the process of ensuring one’s creditworthiness and resolving any potential issues, here’s a comprehensive guide on how to check your CRB status online.

Importance of CRB Clearance

CRB, or Credit Reference Bureau, plays a pivotal role in assessing individuals’ creditworthiness by compiling and managing credit information sourced from various financial institutions. Being listed on CRB can significantly impact an individual’s opportunities, affecting everything from loan eligibility to employment prospects and insurance premiums.

How to Obtain a CRB Clearance Certificate

To acquire a CRB clearance certificate, individuals can register with any of the three licensed CRB firms in Kenya: TransUnion Africa, Metropol, and Creditinfo. Registration typically involves a processing fee of Ksh 2200, and individuals can request their annual credit reports from these firms to monitor their credit status regularly.

How to Check CRB Status Online

Method 1: Metropol Credit Reference Bureau Limited

  • Access CRB services through the Metropol website, Metropol crystobol app, or by dialing *433#.
  • Pay a registration fee of Ksh 100 via the Paybill number 220388, using your ID number as the account number.
  • Upon registration, receive a unique PIN, Reference Number, and a special link via SMS.
  • Subsequently, dial *433# and log in using the provided details to access your credit report.

Method 2: TransUnion Africa CRB Kenya

  • Visit crbafrica.com or transunionafrica.com to fill in the required forms and submit them online.
  • Alternatively, send your name to 21272 to receive regular credit reports from TransUnion.
  • Upon completion, receive your CRB status promptly.

Method 3: Credit Info CRB Kenya

  • Visit creditinfo.co.ke to register and receive annual credit status reports via email.

Individuals who have already registered with any of the three CRBs can request their clearance certificates from the respective websites at no additional cost.

How Long Does it Take to Obtain CRB Clearance?

After completing necessary clearances, individuals should allow up to three days for certificate issuance. However, processing times may vary depending on the chosen CRB firm. It’s advisable to apply for clearance as needed, as certificates are valid only on the day of issuance.

Andrew Walyaula
Author: Andrew Walyaula

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

Andrew Walyaula

About Author

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

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