Features & Sacco Leadership

How to exit from a SACCO

What is the importance of credit policy in Saccos: Benefits of Sacco membership for small business owners: How to increase Sacco membership: Why Sacco loans are cheaper: Factors contributing to member exits from SACCOs: How to exit from a SACCO

Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (SACCOs) stand as pillars of Kenya’s financial sector, providing indispensable services to their members. However, some factors can make one withdraw from the facilities.  This leaves many asking how to exit from a SACCO. As we answer, let’s first highlight some of the reasons people opt out of a lending facility.

Access to credit serves as a primary incentive for individuals to join SACCOs. However, inadequate credit facilities or lengthy approval processes may prompt members to seek alternative lending sources.

SACCOs risk losing tech-savvy members if they do not embrace modern technology. To remain competitive, SACCOs must invest in digital banking solutions to cater to the preferences of their members.

Many members express dissatisfaction with the perceived lack of transparency and accountability within SACCOs. Instances of questionable financial management and improper utilization of funds erode trust and confidence among members.

Poor governance practices, such as mismanagement and corruption, undermine the credibility of SACCOs. Members often opt to withdraw when they observe ineffective leadership and governance structures.

ACCOs must adapt to meet the evolving financial needs of their members. Failure to provide relevant and competitive products and services may lead to member dissatisfaction and eventual withdrawal.

How to Exit from a SACCO

Members must submit a formal, signed letter to the SACCO, providing a minimum of sixty days’ notice in accordance with SACCO bylaws.

The withdrawal request should clearly state the member’s intention and include a copy of their ID for verification purposes.

Members should ensure that their withdrawal request complies with the SACCO’s bylaws regarding notice periods and documentation requirements.

Upon submission of the withdrawal request, members should await confirmation from the SACCO regarding the status of their application.


Andrew Walyaula
Author: Andrew Walyaula

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

Andrew Walyaula

About Author

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

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