Features & Sacco Leadership

How to withdraw savings from Hustler Fund

How to Withdraw Savings from Hustler Fund

In a bid to promote a savings culture and financial inclusion among Kenyans, the Hustler Fund program, a digital financial initiative, has initiated the crediting of interest earned on customer savings. Regulated by the Retirement Benefits Authority and the Capital Markets Authority, this move underscores the fund’s commitment to empowering individuals with additional income streams.

How to Withdraw Savings from Hustler Fund

  1. Check Your Savings

Before initiating a withdrawal, it’s essential to ascertain the amount of savings in your Hustler Fund account. You can do this through the following methods:

Via USSD Code

  1. Dial *254# on your phone.
  2. Select “Hustler Fund.”
  3. Choose “Personal Loan.”
  4. Select “Savings.”
  5. Check both your long-term and short-term savings balances.

On Smartphone

  1. Open the M-Pesa app.
  2. Access the Hustler Fund mini App.
  3. Enter your PIN.
  4. View your long-term and short-term savings balances below your loan details.
  1. Determine Your Eligibility

To withdraw your savings interest, ensure you meet the following criteria:

  • Only short-term savings can be withdrawn.
  • You must have paid at least 30% of any existing loan to withdraw short-term savings.
  • Long-term savings can only be withdrawn according to a person’s age.
  1. Withdraw Your Savings

To initiate the withdrawal process, follow these steps:

How to Withdraw Savings from Hustler Fund Using USSD Code

  1. Dial *254#.
  2. Select “Hustler Fund.”
  3. Choose “Personal Loan.”
  4. Select “Savings.”
  5. Opt for “Short-term savings.”
  6. Proceed with the withdrawal.

On Smartphone

  1. Click on “Short-term Savings.”
  2. Select “Withdraw to M-Pesa.”
  3. Alternatively, transfer the funds to your Long-term savings.


Andrew Walyaula
Author: Andrew Walyaula

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

Andrew Walyaula

About Author

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

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