Features & Sacco Leadership

Importance of effective SACCO Leadership for Financial Stability

Importance of effective SACCO Leadership for Financial Stability

Periodically, Kenyans are confronted with distressing news of another savings and credit cooperative society (SACCO) encountering financial difficulties. Contrary to popular belief, financial institutions don’t simply crumble overnight; rather, the seeds of their downfall are often sown over time. Investigations into collapsing SACCOs frequently reveal prolonged issues that were left unaddressed, with poor leadership emerging as a primary culprit alongside other contributing factors.

Role of External Auditors and SASRA

By law, SACCOs are mandated to appoint external auditors, whose responsibility includes alerting the Supervisory Authority for SACCOs (SASRA) about any concerns they uncover. These auditors are expected to provide timely indications of potential trouble through their financial statements and raise any issues directly with the SACCO leadership. Additionally, each SACCO is overseen by a SASRA-appointed team tasked with monitoring leadership conduct and implementing early warning systems and intervention strategies when necessary.

SACCO Collapse

The collapse of SACCOs seldom occurs suddenly; rather, it is often the culmination of prolonged underlying issues that were not adequately addressed. When a SACCO crumbles, it serves as a stark reminder of the deeper issues that should have been addressed proactively.

Characteristics of Effective SACCO Leadership

  1. Sound Decision-Making Practices

Effective governance in SACCOs hinges on inclusive decision-making processes that involve all members. Transparency, fairness, and accessibility of information are paramount.

2. Regular Meetings

Regular engagements between external auditors, SASRA teams, and SACCO leadership can help identify and resolve issues early. These interactions ensure accountability and competence among regulators, leaders, and auditors.

3. Equal Opportunity for All

SACCO leadership should ensure that all members have equal access to services and opportunities for economic improvement. Suppression of differing viewpoints should be avoided, and all members should be aware of SACCO regulations and policies.

4. Sound Leadership Practices

Openness to diverse perspectives, efficient resource utilization, and commitment to organizational vision are hallmarks of good leadership. Strategic thinking and a track record of integrity are essential.

5. Knowledgeable and Trainable Leaders

Leadership organs should comprise individuals with a solid understanding of SACCO operations and a willingness to undergo training. Growth in portfolio size and savings volumes often signifies effective leadership.


Andrew Walyaula
Author: Andrew Walyaula

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

Andrew Walyaula

About Author

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

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