Features & Sacco Leadership

Who is the owner of Neo Kenya Mpya? Rally legend Patrick Njiru and family at the helm

Patrick Njiru

Recent revelations from the Registrar of Companies have shed light on the ownership of Neo Kenya Mpya, a prominent fleet of buses renowned for their operations on the Thika superhighway and expanding into routes like Kangundo road. The entire fleet is under the ownership of Patrick Njiru, a legendary rally driver, along with his wife, son, and daughter.

Patrick, widely celebrated for his remarkable career in rally driving, has established a family-owned venture with a significant presence in the public transport sector. The ownership details are as follows:

  • Patrick Njiru Kiria: 500 shares
  • Leah Njeri Njiru (wife): 300 shares
  • Douglas Kuria Njiru (son): 100 shares
  • Everlyn Wangui Njiru (daughter): 100 shares

This familial collaboration places the Njiru family firmly in control of the Neo Kenya Mpya fleet, making strategic decisions that have positioned the company as the largest fleet of Public Service Vehicles (PSVs) along the bustling Thika superhighway.

Neo Kenya Mpya

Despite facing challenges, including accidents and legal disputes, Neo Kenya Mpya has earned commendation from many travelers for the quality of its services. The fleet’s expansion beyond the Thika superhighway to routes like Kangundo Road reflects a growing influence in the public transport sector.

Patrick, a notable entrepreneur, also owns Paleah stores and holds shares in For-you carriers. The family’s involvement in various business ventures underscores their prominence in both the transport and commercial sectors.


Njiru, born on 12th July 1957, is not only a renowned rally driver but also a successful entrepreneur. Originating from Kevote in the Manyatta constituency of Embu County, he attended St. Paul’s Kevote Boys’ Secondary School. After studying in Japan for three years, he returned to Kenya and embarked on a rally driving career that spanned from 1983 to 2002, notably with the Subaru World Rally Team.

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Although retired from competitive racing, Patrick continues to contribute to motorsports by organizing and participating in charity races, exemplified by his involvement in the November 2011 Race4Change in Kenya.

Patrick Njiru Net Worth

As one of Kenya’s wealthiest engineers, Patrick boasts a net worth estimated at $5 million, reflecting his success both on and off the rally circuit.

Andrew Walyaula
Author: Andrew Walyaula

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

Andrew Walyaula

About Author

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

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