Features & Sacco Leadership

Who owns River of God (ROG) matatu Sacco? Kennedy Odhiambo setting standard in Nairobi’s matatu scene

Who owns River of God (ROG) matatu Sacco? Kennedy Odhiambo

Renowned for its distinctive choice of music and vibrant yellow branding, River of God (ROG) Sacco has become a standout player on the CBD-Buruburu route. At the helm of this thriving Sacco is Chairman Kennedy Odhiambo, a figure known for his unwavering commitment to enforcing regulations and ensuring the highest standards of operation among its members.

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In an interview with one of the local media houses, Kennedy Odhiambo emphasized the pivotal role of stringent laws in Sacco’s success. ROG has implemented a monthly disciplinary panel, convening every last Sunday, where errant touts and matatu drivers face accountability for any violations of set regulations.

Kennedy Odhiambo: What Sets ROG Apart

ROG matatus have gained a loyal following among commuters, and several factors contribute to their popularity.

  1. Distinctive Yellow Branding: ROG was a trailblazer in adopting the uplifting and illuminating color yellow for its matatus. This unique choice of color, symbolizing hope, happiness, cheerfulness, and fun, has set ROG apart in the crowded matatu scene.
  2. Gospel Music Experience: Unlike other matatus, ROG creates a soothing atmosphere by playing pure gospel music during morning and evening hours. This thoughtful approach aims to uplift passengers in the morning and provide relaxation after a tiring day in the evening. During mid-morning hours, a variety of music is played to cater to the preferences of the younger generation.
  3. Free WI-FI and Disciplined Crew: ROG goes the extra mile to enhance the commuter experience by providing free WI-FI on board. Additionally, the Sacco prides itself on having a disciplined crew, contributing to a safe and pleasant journey for passengers.
Who owns River of God (ROG) matatu Sacco? Kennedy Odhiambo

Challenges Facing ROG

Despite its positive reputation, ROG has faced some criticisms, notably regarding alleged reluctance to pick up passengers along Jogoo Road to City Stadium. Victor Mburu, a senior driver with ROG, clarified that this perception is unfounded. He explained that their buses are often at full capacity when leaving the Civo terminus, and concerns about safety have led to a cautious approach towards additional pickups along certain stretches.

Andrew Walyaula
Author: Andrew Walyaula

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

Andrew Walyaula

About Author

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

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