Features & Sacco Leadership

Who Should Be on a Steering Committee in a Cooperative Society

What is a steering committee and its roles?Who Should Be on a Steering Committee in a Cooperative Society: How to Get Involved in Cooperative Development in Your Community

When starting a cooperative society (co-op), one of the first crucial steps is forming a steering committee. This committee plays a key role in setting up the co-op, including decision-making, handling government paperwork, and planning for finances and membership. To ensure the committee is effective, it’s important to include members with a range of skills and expertise.

Who Should Be on a Steering Committee

  1. Financial Experts
    • Role: These members help with budgeting, fundraising, and managing financial resources.
    • Why: They bring knowledge of accounting, financial statements, and debt management, which is crucial for the financial health of the co-op.
  2. Governance Specialists
    • Role: These individuals are familiar with organizational practices and decision-making processes.
    • Why: They ensure the committee operates efficiently and transparently, following best practices like Robert’s Rules of Order.
  3. Legal Advisors
    • Role: They handle regulatory issues and draft legal documents.
    • Why: Their expertise helps navigate legal requirements and reduces the need to hire expensive outside legal help.
  4. Industry Experts
    • Role: These members understand the specific industry or sector in which the co-op will operate.
    • Why: Their knowledge helps in designing operations and can save time and costs during the planning stage.
  5. Communication Specialists
    • Role: These individuals manage interactions with potential members, lenders, and other stakeholders.
    • Why: Good communication skills are essential for effective outreach and maintaining positive relationships.

Importance of a Diverse Skill Set

A well-rounded steering committee includes individuals with diverse skills to address various aspects of setting up and running the co-op. For instance, while legal expertise helps with compliance and documentation, financial skills are critical for budgeting and securing funds. Technical knowledge of the industry ensures the co-op’s operations are well-designed, and strong communication skills are vital for engaging with members and partners.

Team Dynamics

It’s important that the committee works as a cohesive unit. While different members bring unique skills, they must collaborate effectively. The steering committee should be composed of individuals who are genuinely invested in the co-op’s success, as a strong commitment from all members is essential for the project’s success.


Andrew Walyaula
Author: Andrew Walyaula

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

Andrew Walyaula

About Author

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

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