Features & Sacco Leadership

How to form a steering committee for a cooperative society

Characteristics of cooperative societies: Different Types of Cooperative Societies: Roles of a member in a cooperative society: How to Name Your Co-Op: How to Form a Steering Committee: responsibilities of a steering committee in a cooperative society: How to attract new co-op members

When starting a cooperative society, one of the essential first steps is forming a steering committee. This committee is crucial as it takes charge of setting up the co-op and guiding its early development.

What is a Steering Committee?

A steering committee is a group of individuals responsible for the groundwork of establishing a cooperative society. Their tasks include making key decisions, handling administrative tasks like submitting government forms, and planning the co-op’s finances and membership. Essentially, the committee lays the foundation for the co-op and often represents its core team.

How to Form a Steering Committee

  1. Initial Planning: Start by gathering a group of interested individuals who are committed to the co-op’s goals. These should be people who are willing to contribute their time and skills to the project.
  2. Invite Additional Members: While the committee usually consists of the first members of the co-op, you may also invite others who are not part of the co-ops ownership structure but have a vested interest in its success. This could include local businesses, organizations, or community leaders.
  3. Hold Initial Meetings: Organize meetings to discuss the idea of forming the co-op, gauge interest, and begin planning. During these meetings, seek volunteers for the steering committee and outline the roles and responsibilities.
  4. Consider Government or External Support: In some cases, local governments or other entities looking to support new services might issue a call for steering committee members. This can help gather a committed group ready to drive the project forward.

Responsibilities of a Steering Committee

The steering committee has several key responsibilities:

  • The committee should clarify the purpose of the co-op. This involves understanding and articulating what the co-op aims to achieve and how it will serve its members.
  • Decide who the co-op’s members will be and what criteria they need to meet. The steering committee should include some of the future owners or those who will have a stake in the co-op’s success.
  • Establish how decisions will be made within the co-op. This includes setting up transparent processes and determining how the organization will operate.
  • Although not always necessary, creating a business plan can be very helpful. It outlines how the co-op will be run, including staffing, selling goods or services, managing finances, and interacting with members. A well-prepared business plan is crucial for communicating the co-op’s goals to stakeholders and securing any necessary funding.


Andrew Walyaula
Author: Andrew Walyaula

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

Andrew Walyaula

About Author

Andrew Walyaula is a seasoned multimedia journalist. waliaulaandrew0@gmail.com

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