David Mategwa: Kenya National Police DT Sacco national chair appointed director at CDF-Canada, Kenya office

Kenya Nationa Police DT Sacco national chair David Sohelo Mategwa has been appointed to serve on the board of the Cooperative Development Fund of Canada (CDF-Canada).
According to the African Confederation of Co-operative Savings and Credit Association (ACCOSCA), Mategwa will serve as a director at CDF-Canada, Kenyan office, for a period of three years.
David Mategwa’s profile
Metegwa serves as the vice chair of the African Confederation of Co-operative Savings and Credit Association (ACCOSCA).

In December 2023, Mategwa was conferred the Head of State Commendation, following his dedicated service to ensuring financial inclusivity and empowerment in Kenya and Africa at large.
ACCOSCA and CDF-Canada have partnered through the Voice Project; a 7-year project funded by Global Affairs Canada aimed at improving the economic and social well-being of 50,000 Women and Men from marginalized communities in Kenya, Ghana, Senegal, Malawi and Ethiopia.
Since 1947, CDF-Canada has helped organize and build co-operatives in developing countries, by creating resilient, strong and democratic organizations that help their members and communities thrive.