Features & Sacco Leadership

KEWISCO profile: How NWDT Sacco is empowering Kenyans

For more than three decades, KEWISCO Non-Withdrawable Deposits Taking (NWDT) has stood out to be the Sacco of choice for many Kenyans seeking sustainable financial solutions.

Since its inception in 1992, the Sacco continues to endeavour member value creation, support and empowerment.

What’s the current KEWISCO Sacco membership

The society started with membership drawn from specific economic spheres. These include members employed in the Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS), African Conservation Centre (ACC), African Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW), ALS, ARICHEM, Birdlife International, David Shedrick, Donkey Sanctuary, Everett, Frightline, KASAS, Kenya Society for the Protection & Care of Animals (KSPCA), Kenya Tourism Board (KTB), Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA), Light Plane Maintenance Limited,  Masai Mara Wildlife Conservancies Association(MMWCA), Rhino Ark, Kenya Tourism Federation (KTF), Safari Link, Sanyati Limited, The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, among others.

However, with the growing financial needs and expectations of diverse potential members, the Sacco opened its common bond to include Kenyans from all walks of life.

Kewisco Sacco members during clinic.

“We have opened a common bond where other organizations and individuals can join us based on terms and conditions set by the management,” said KEWISCO Sacco.

This has seen the society grow its membership to over 6,000 members, as of the close of the financial year ending December 31, 2023.

How to join KEWISCO Sacco

If you have any financial need and you are looking for a solution, KEWISCO NWDT is among the societies you should consider.

The society has launched a membership drive that guarantees existing members over KSh 5,000 if they introduce new organisations and members.

“The Sacco is currently running a campaign on membership recruitment, where any member who introduces new organisations to the Sacco earns KSh 5,000 on top of KSh 800 for every member who join from the introduced organization,” said KEWISCO.

To join KEWISCO Sacco, you need:

  • Complete Application Form – this can be accessed online via KEWISCO Sacco portal
  • National ID Copy / Passport to be attached on the form
  • Passport size photo
  • Next of Kin ID / Passport
  • A registration fee of KSh 800

What you get as KEWISCO Sacco member

  1. Return on members funds

KEWISCO Sacco guarantees high returns on members’ savings, deposits and investments. During the 2023 financial year, the Sacco declared a 16% dividend on share capital and a 9.5% interest on member deposits.

This was paid on member deposits which grew by 12.25% to KSh 1.3 billion, from KSh 1.2 billion in 2022 and share capital which increased to KSh 90.4 million during the same period.

  1. Competitive and affordable loans

The Sacco loan portfolio reached KSh. 1.6 billion, showcasing sustained support from members, who patronise tailored load products and services.

The table below summarises the society loan products, repayment period and interest rate.

Loan TypeAmount Kshs.PeriodInterest Rate
Development Loan Option 1No Maximum, Minimum Kshs. 50,000.0048 Months1.08% Per Month
Development Loan Option 2No Maximum, Minimum Kshs. 50,000.0072 Months1.25% Per Month
Development I ReloadedNo. Maximum, Minimum Kshs. 50,000.0048 Months1.08% Per Month Constant Reducing Method
Development 2 ReloadedNo. Maximum, Minimum Kshs. 50,000.0072 Months1.25% per Month Constant Reducing Method
Platinum loanNo. Maximum, Minimum Kshs. 50,000.00Upto 108 Months1.2% per Month Constant Reducing Method
Super Saver LoanNo Maximum84 Months1.3% Constant Reducing Method

Super Shareholder

No Maximum, Minimum share capital Kshs. 100,000.00Upto 96 Months1% per Month Constant Reducing Method
Emergency Loan300,000.0018 months1.08% Per Month
School Fees Loan300,000.0018 months1.08% Per Month
Mapokezi Loan50,000.0036months1.00% Per Month
Asset Finance loanNo Max12 Months2% Per Month
Masomo Loan90% of Masomo Savings12 months0.8% Per Month
Angel Loan90% of Angel Savings12 Months0.8% Per Month
Instant (Papo hapo) loan30,000.006 months5% Per Month
Mkombozi300,000.0024 months1.2% Per Month
Senior Citizen90% of Deposits36 Months1% Per Month


  1. Saving products

The society also offers best savings products. These include:

Masomo Savings account

The savings product is eligible for members and their children and allows a minimum monthly contribution/saving of KSh 1,000.

The savings account attracts an annual interest rate of 8% for a minimum for balance of KSh 5,000.00 And above one can transact at least thrice in a year at no charges.

Young boy looking out the window while doing homework.

Holiday savings account

The Holiday savings is offered for Sacco members who contribute a minimum of KSh 500 per month towards the account.

It earns an interest of 7.5% per year on savings above KSh 5000, calculated on a prorata basis. Withdrawal is done once in the month of November.

Angel Savings Account

Children aged 18 and below are eligible for the Ange savings account. Their parents, who are Sacco members contribute a minimum of KSh 5,000 per month towards the account and its operating balance KSh 1,000.

The minimum dividend earning balance for the account is 3,000. It attracts an annual interest on deposit at the rate of 8%, which is reviewed occasionally. One can transact at most thrice in a year at no charge.

Black multi-generation family counting coins


Kewisco SACCO actively supports the less privileged in society and enhances recreational facilities for its members.

Throughout the year, the SACCO has extended support to various initiatives, including providing games kits and footballs to the Kongoni Kenya Wildlife Service Football Club and at Kenya Wildlife Service headquarters, Sibiloi National Park, Marsabit National Park and RRU Isiolo Station.

Additionally, it has contributed water tanks to benefit communities at Mwingi, Malindi, Moyale and Mackinnon Stations, while also furnishing KWS Taveta station with a television set in addition to solar charging set to Tsavo East National Park.

Furthermore, the SACCO has played a role in improving sanitation facilities by assisting in the construction of pit latrines at Nkutoto Arus Primary School in Samburu County. Moving forward, Kewisco SACCO remains dedicated to making a positive impact in society by continually improving the well-being and quality of life for individuals and communities across its areas of operation.

From Office Service Activity (FOSA)

KEWISCO Sacco intends to introduce the Front Office Service Activity (FOSA), to meet the growing needs of its members.  Based on its 2024-28 strategic plan, the Sacco aims to register for deposit-taking activities.

This initiative seeks to simplify salary processing, offer loans based on salaries, and enhance loan recovery rates. By implementing a FOSA unit, the aim is to streamline the processing of members’ salaries, offering a convenient avenue for members to manage their finances.

Speaking during the 2024 Annual Delegates Meeting (AD), the chairperson CPA Rebecca Kipchumba, mentioned that this streamlined process will not only benefit members by providing easy access to their funds but also enable the Sacco to offer loans based on members’ salaries.

This approach to lending allows for more tailored and accessible credit options, empowering members to meet their financial needs efficiently.

Moreover, the establishment of the FOSA unit is expected to significantly improve loan recovery rates. By integrating salary processing with loan management, the Sacco can better assess members' repayment capabilities and tailor loan terms accordingly.

This proactive approach to risk management enhances the Sacco’s financial sustainability while ensuring responsible lending practices.

Sacco Trend
Author: Sacco Trend

Sacco Trend

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