Counties News

Sacco leaders have been urged to recruit more members

Sacco leaders have been urged to recruit more members in the movement in order to increase national savings, which currently stands at 9 percent, as opposed to 30 percent outline in vision 2030. The leaders comprised of sub-county and cooperatives officers and commissioners in Mombasa and were hosted in consultative meeting by Sacco leaders in order to footers good relationship between the government and the Sacco sectors

Speaking during the meeting Mombasa county cooperative director Nelson Nyoro said that the report indicates that Sacco are in the wright direction and controls 60 percent  of total Sacco business countrywide , that is the capital  Sacco that are losing out most , noted the cooperative commissioner.

He urged the government officials to registered viable Sacco in order in order to maintain the country position globally, which recorded the highest Saco growth rate worldwide. He noted Sacco have brought more economic developments and social cohesion in the country than any other sector.

He encourage Sacco members to go for production as opposed to consumption loans, good governors is key in the management of Sacco said the cooperative commissioner Mr. Nyoro , he underscored the Sacco act has injected more confidence in the public , leading to increased member penetration .

Also present in the meeting was Mombasa governor Abdul swamand,, he noted that there is need for Sacco to be more innovative in order to attract and retain new members, members need to be educated on the importance of service and delivery and innovative products to attract more people urged to move away from traditional savings products and bring on board new products for the growing young population he said.

John wright, coast region manager noted that the union had achieved more Sacco membership because of the thriving partnership with officials from the ministry of cooperative and micro small and medium enterprises. He urged the co-operatives to continue with the same sprit.

Sacco Trend
Author: Sacco Trend

Sacco Trend

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